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CPU Mikrotik Pakai Compact Flash Performance Lebih Cepat Kami melakukan uji coba memasang converter IDE to CF pada IDE secondary master lalu kami insert-kan memory CF kapasitas 4GB seharga 200 ribuan rupiah. Setelah semua itu terpasang lalu webproxy mikrotik kami enable -kan, hasilnya lebih dari cukup yaitu dapat men-cache web static dan hit-nya tinggi. Request 3900 -an, hit-nya 2000 -an. CPU load menjadi rata-rata berkisar di 30 % - 40 % dengan spesifikasi P3 -1Ghz. Waktu dulu menggunakan hard disk drive sebagai webproxy mikrotik latency sangat tinggi sehingga akses internet di klient menjadi lebih lambat dibandingkan tidak mengaktifkannya. Idealnya untuk web proxy mikrotik menggunakan CF yang berkapasitas 32GB keatas. Perangkat ini berfungsi untuk mengubah fungsi kartu memori Compact Flash (CF) menjadi perangkat penyimpanan data (storage/fungsi hardisk) dengan koneksi IDE atau ATA pada komputer desktop. Dengan menggunakan media Compact Flash sebagai media penyimpanan data akan mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan seperti penggunaan daya listrik kecil, rendah temperatur, bebas suara HDD, anti guncangan dan akses data lebih cepat. Posted by Putra Jaya Komputer (PJK) at 05:31 No comments: Labels: cf, compact flash, mikrotik, webproxy Monday, 14 January 2013 Fitur AIRMAX pada Ubiquiti Rocket M2 di Non Aktifkan Fitur AIR MAX pada Ubiquiti Rocket M2 di Non Aktifkan,jika radio AP tersebut dipasangkan pada antenna sectoral agar klien yang menggunakan laptop / netbook / ultrabook / pc tablet dapat terkonek dengan jaringan wireless.
Waktu kami mengkonfigurasi di RTRWNET Desa Padek, Ulujami Pemalang ketika fitur AIR MAX masih aktif laptop-laptop kami tidak dapat terkonek. Posted by Putra Jaya Komputer (PJK) at 13:21 No comments: Labels: airmax, Rocket M2, ubiquiti Friday, 11 January 2013 Distance of Rocket M2 with Airmax Sector We recently setup a new 3 sector array at 190ft on one of our towers. We used Ubiquiti Rocket M2's with Ubiquiti 120 15db Sectors. The terrain is primarily flat with a few hills. At this point we are only able to achieve about 5 mile connections with Bullet M2HP and 19 Parabolic antenna attached to our service truck. Anything over 5 miles and the signal drops down to unusable. We have changed the downtilt from 4deg to 0deg and that didn't change the distance. We have worked with the firmware and are currently running version 5.2.1. When we are testing we can see the tower at about 7 miles and get signals in the 80s. We currently have 8 other towers that we run mikrotik routerboards with valemount cards on 16db sectors and can achieve 8 - 10 mile links. I am just wondering is this a limitation of the equipment or am I doing something wrong? the UBNT antenna's already have a 2 degree down tilt so it should be good at 0 you should be able to link as far as you can see the antenna Please post your config file Also if your trying to use a Bullet with AirMax ON in the AP I could see Problems with that I have 2 GHz Rocket M2's on 16 dB sectors 200 feet high. With NSM2's, I've been able to get about 3-4 miles. I turned off airmax in the AP's and am now able to get 7-8 miles with Airgrid M2's on a pushpole. Airgrid M2's won't do MIMO. Only NSM 2's right? So what does MIMO get me? More throughput, anything else? Is there a long distance airmax compatible/MIMO CPE, or is it too hard to build cost effective antennas for MIMO/Airmax? Is that pretty much my choice? Airmax or long distance client connections? Can't have both? I can't see why Airmax would limit the distance to 3-4 miles, we have 14 mile links in the 5gig band with Airmax on. Course it's 30 dish rocket combo to a 15 120* sector rocket, but still Airmax is on. You can use the high gain (18dBi) NanoBridge as a MIMO CPE For long-distance 2X2 MIMO links, use NanoBridge. It supports AirMax of course. Airmax isn't what's limiting the distance, it's my unfamiliarity with the product. I've never tried the Nanobridge, didn't know to try it. I got the Airgrid because it has a dish, the reflectors aren't supported for NSM's, I figured a grid dish would get me alot further from the sector, so I tried it. Nanobridge has a solid dish? How does that work on a push pole? I don't worry too much about a grid dish on a pushpole, but a solid dish? I don't know...... NanoBridge will have more wind resistance than AirGrid. I will post my config in the morning, but what are you talking about when you state that if I am using bullet with airmax on? Are you talking the straight bullet or are you talking about Bulletm2HP? Bullet M2HP is designed for the airmax! Thank You for your time and I will have the config in the morning. What do you have your powers set at on your ap and what types of signals do you have at the airgrid? How many sectors do you have up the tower? Thank you very much. Posted by Putra Jaya Komputer (PJK) at 19:03 No comments: Labels: Bullet M2HP, Rocket M2, UBNT Monday, 31 December 2012 Kelebihan Pemasangan Vertikal Dan Horizontal Antena Grid Posisi antenna vertikal atau horizontal berpengaruh pada bentuk atau pola dari pernyebaran signal (propagation pattern) dari antenna tersebut. Posisi vertikal menyebabkan polarisasi penyebaran signal atau gelombang yang dipancarkan menjadi lebih RAPAT atau SEMPIT dengan daya jangkauan yang lebih jauh. Posisi horizontal menyebabkan polarisasi penyebaran signal atau gelombang yang dipancarkan menjadi lebih LEBAR dengan daya jangkauan yang lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan posisi vertikal. Jika dua titik atau lokasi yang akan dihubungkan menggunakan wireless posisi antenna-nya berbeda, satu vertikal dan satunya horizontal maka kemungkinan besar pasti tidak akan terkoneksi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh posisi keduanya berbeda sehingga menyebabkan POWER LOSS yang besar. Penggunaan posisi vertikal adalah untuk koneksi jarak jauh dan sudut LOS (Ligth Of Sight) yang kecil. Penggunaan posisi horizontal adalah untuk koneksi jarak dekat dengan sudut LOS yang besar Kelebihah posisi vertikal adalah jangkauan yang jauh tetapi kekurangannya beam nya sangat kecil sehingga saat pointing harus benar-benar pas dan butuh kesabaran yang tinggi Kelebihanan posisi horizontal adalah beam-nya besar sehingga tidak susah untuk pointing tetapi kekurangannya adalah mudah terkena interfensi dan jarak jangkauannya kurang jauh. Posted by Putra Jaya Komputer (PJK) at 23:20 No comments: Labels: antena grid, beam, polarisasi, wifi Frekuensi channel WiFi Wi-Fi WLAN channel frequencies The table given below provides the frequencies for the total of fourteen WLAN / Wi-Fi channels that are available around the globe. Not all of these WLAN / Wi-Fi channels are available for use in all countries. Channel Number Lower Frequency GHz Center Frequency GHz Upper Frequency GHz 1 2401 2412 2423 2 2404 2417 2428 3 2411 2422 2433 4 2416 2427 2438 5 2421 2432 2443 6 2426 2437 2448 7 2431 2442 2453 8 2436 2447 2458 9 2441 2452 2463 10 2451 2457 2468 11 2451 2462 2473 12 2456 2467 2478 13 2461 2472 2483 14 2473 2484 2495 Posted by Putra Jaya Komputer (PJK) at 22:06 No comments: Labels: radio wireless, Wi-Fi, wlan Memilih Frekuensi Channel Untuk Radio AP Yang Benar Selecting Channel Frequencies for Wireless APs Direct communication between an 802.11 wireless network adapter and an AP occurs over a common channel corresponding to a frequency range in the S-Band ISM frequency range. You set the channel in the AP, and the wireless network adapter automatically tunes to the channel of the AP with the strongest signal. The wireless network adapter continues communication with the AP until the signal gets weak, at which time it attempts to locate another AP with a stronger signal. To reduce interference between wireless APs, ensure that wireless APs with overlapping signals use unique channel frequencies. The 802.11b standard reserves 14 frequency channels for use with wireless APs. Within the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows channels 1 through 11. In most of Europe, you can use channels 1 through 13. In Japan, you have only one choice: channel 14. Figure 11.4 shows the 11 802.11b frequency channels available in the United States. Notice that the 802.11b signals overlap with adjacent channel frequencies. As a result, you can only use three channels (in the United States, channels 1, 6, and 11) without causing interference between adjacent APs. Figure 11.4 Channel Overlap for 802.11b APs in the United States Channel Overlap for 802.11b APs in United States To select the channel frequencies for the wireless APs: Identify any wireless networks owned by other organizations in the same building. Find out the placement of their wireless APs and the channel frequencies assigned to the APs. Radio waves travel through floors and ceilings, so APs located near each other on different floors need to be set to non-overlapping channels. If another organization located on a floor adjacent to your organization’s offices has a wireless network, the wireless APs for that organization might interfere with the wireless APs in your network. Contact the other organization to determine the placement and frequencies of their wireless APs so that you can ensure that any of your own wireless APs that provide overlapping coverage use a different channel frequency. Identify overlapping wireless signals on adjacent floors within your own organization. After identifying overlapping coverage areas outside and within your organization, assign channel frequencies for your wireless APs. Assign channel 1 to the first wireless AP. Assign channels 6 and 11 to any wireless APs that overlap coverage areas with the first wireless AP, to ensure that those APs do not interfere with one another. Continue assigning channel frequencies to the wireless APs, ensuring that any two wireless APs with overlapping coverage are assigned different channel frequencies. Example: An Enterprise Corporation Determines IEEE 802.11b Channels An enterprise corporation occupies multiple floors in a building. Because of this, they had to pay attention to both the horizontal and vertical dimensions when determining which IEEE 802.11b channel to assign to each AP. For example, if a certain spot on the first floor used channel 1, they assigned channel 6 to the same location on the second floor, and assigned channel 11 to the same location on the third floor. They did not use channel 1 again until the fourth floor. Figure 11.5 illustrates the selection of channels for the wireless APs on a building floor. The wireless AP channels were selected to ensure that no two overlapping areas of coverage have the same channel (frequency). Figure 11.5 Example of 802.11b Channel Allocation Example of 802.11b Channel Allocation


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